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Strawberry FieldsPrimary SchoolLearning Together, Building The Future

Welcome toStrawberry FieldsPrimary SchoolLearning Together, Building The Future

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  • Cricket competition

    Mon 20 May 2019 Mr B
    Today two teams from Strawberry Fields competed against other local schools in our annual cricket tournament. Both teams did really well, with one of our teams winning all four of their games to finish top, and our other team winning half their games to finish third out of five. This means both teams qualify for the next round in June. It was really good to see all the players improve as the day went on, whether they were confident players who play regularly, or first-timers with little or no cricket experience. 
  • SATs week

    Sun 19 May 2019 Mr B

    Like other Year 6 children across England, our Year 6s completed their SATs test last week. We were very proud of their mature and sensible attitude. The children entered school calmly for their SATs breakfast each day and worked hard to do their best. We are proud and fortunate to have such wonderful children who are so focused and determined, but who did not come in to school anxious or afraid. It is our hope and our aim that our approach to the test, and to test preparation, help to create this atmosphere for our children. We know how great they all are, how well they all deserve to do and how many wonderful things they have to offer that make them the fantastic people they are.


    Our Year Two children have also completed their 'Secret Agent Work' this week. Once again, we are proud of how these children approached these tasks with a confident mindset and a determination to do well.


    Thank you to all the children for working so hard, and to all the staff, parents and carers who have helped to prepare the children and supported with test administration.



  • Y3/4 football

    Wed 15 May 2019 Mr B
    Yesterday, 17 boys and girls from years 3 and 4 went to Garforth Academy to represent the school in the Y3/4 football tournament. Is was great to be able to involve so many children and, as ever, their commitment and attitude was excellent. Both our 'red' and 'blue' teams worked hard and represented the school well. The quality was very high, meaning that despite some good results, neither of our teams qualified for the final. Congratulations to East Garforth, who were the eventual winners of the competition.
  • Tour de Yorkshire

    Mon 06 May 2019 Mr B
    We were fortunate on Friday morning when the Tour de Yorkshire once again passed by our school. Just like last year, the whole school went outside to watch the women's race zoom past. We went outside at 9.45 (the rain having mercifully stopped minutes before!) with musical instruments and flags. We had a great time, cheering on the support vehicles and police bikes (one even drove along giving high-fives to the children!), before the riders themselves shot past a few minutes later. The atmosphere was fantastic and it was a great whole school experience. Because of road closures for the men's race, we shut the school early which enabled as many of our children as possible to watch the men's race in the afternoon and to enjoy the carnival atmosphere on main street!