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Strawberry FieldsPrimary SchoolLearning Together, Building The Future

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  • Sport this week

    Sun 29 Apr 2018 Mr B


    On Monday fourteen children went to Garforth Academy to take part in a netball tournament. Our two teams came third and fourth and it was really good to see how their gameplay and tactical awareness improved from game to game. As ever, our children's behaviour and sporting attitude excellent. Many thanks to Miss Chermside, who spent time the previous week helping to prepare the team.



    On Friday, our Year Four children took part in a skipping competition at Garforth Academy. They came agonisingly close to victory, missing out by a single point (!), and over the course of the competition won the highest number of individual 'gold' awards. Once again, Mrs. Driscoll reported how proud she was of the excellent behaviour and attitude of the children. Well done!

  • Y3/4 production - Spoofology

    Mon 09 Apr 2018 Mr. B

    This year’s Y3/4 production, ‘Spoofology’, a combination of Greek mythology and the music of Abba received rave reviews from all who saw it! Thank you very much to Mr. Henshall who wrote and directed the play, and to all the staff in Y3/4 who contributed to the scenery, costumes and music, and who helped the children to learn and deliver their lines so brilliantly. Finally, of course, thank you to the children who did justice to Mr. Henshall’s A-list script!

    It really was a spectacular show and made us very proud of our children, staff and school.

  • Easter term events round up

    Mon 09 Apr 2018 Mr. B

    Sports Relief

    Thank you to everyone who supported Sports Relief at Strawberry Fields in March. The children had some very imaginative ideas for fundraising and we ended up with a whole-school conga line around the playground (thanks, Miss Hall!). All the money raised will go to good causes.


    Arts Award

    Last year, our Year Sixes took part in a project organised by Leeds University and the Wordsworth Trust. This included them studying and creating different art forms (poetry and painting), recording the weather and visiting the Wordsworth Centre in Cumbria. The work they produced was assessed by trained staff, and this week they were all awarded their certificates in a special assembly at school.


    Easter egg competition

    Thank you to all those parents who sent in entries for our egg decorating competition. Some of the imagination on display was wonderful. Egg Sheeran was a particular favourite! Mrs. Elmer chose one winner from each class. Thank you to the Friends of Strawberry Fields for helping to organise this event.


    Family Quiz Night

    On Friday March 23rd, we held our first ever family quiz night, organised by the Friends of Strawberry Fields. The event was a real success, raising over £200 for school funds, but more importantly, helping to further develop our schools's inviting, community atmosphere and ethos. It was lovely for parents, grandparents, carers, children and staff to be able to mix in a more informal context. Thank you to everyone who attended, and everybody involved in organising or hosting the event.
