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Strawberry FieldsPrimary SchoolLearning Together, Building The Future

Welcome toStrawberry FieldsPrimary SchoolLearning Together, Building The Future

School Ethos and Values

At Strawberry Fields, we intend to deliver a full education and to enable all our learners to be the best possible versions of themselves when they leave us in Year Six. We work closely with parents and carers because we believe the social, emotional and moral growth of our children is as important as their academic progress, and that in fact, by taking care to educate the whole child, we will ensure our children are best placed to perform well not just whilst at Strawberry Fields, but in the next stages of their education too, and beyond that, as citizens of a diverse, modern and changing society.


We aim to model the personal standards we have for our children in our own behaviour and in our interactions with one another, and with children, parents, carers and other members of our wider community. These values run alongside and complement our curriculum.


Our school aims are codified in the statements below.


Our School Aims


Learning together, building the future by:


Making a welcoming, happy, safe school where everyone is valued.


To ensure that children, parents/carers, staff and all members of our school community feel valued, by providing a happy, caring and secure environment.


Helping all children to achieve their full potential.


To maintain high expectations of achievement, enabling all children to reach their full potential, through challenge and support.


Treating children as individuals.


To foster children’s individual needs, interests and creativity through the provision of a challenging curriculum, enrichment activities and extended services which develop skills for life.


Giving the children the basic skills for life.


To emphasise the importance of literacy, numeracy and ICT within the context of a broad and balanced curriculum.


Encouraging an enjoyment of learning.


To work in partnership with parents/carers and the local community to foster positive attitudes to learning; to enable all children to make an effective contribution to society and develop skills and personal qualities that will enable them to achieve.


Developing confident and caring children.


To enable all children to have high expectations of themselves through developing their self esteem, self confidence, self discipline, respect for others and sense of responsibility within our multi-ethnic society.


Having shared responsibility for making this a learning school for everyone.


To develop effective and efficient leadership and management at all levels which impacts positively upon the quality of our provision and the outcomes for all our children.



