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Strawberry FieldsPrimary SchoolLearning Together, Building The Future

Welcome toStrawberry FieldsPrimary SchoolLearning Together, Building The Future

Our Governing Body

Strawberry Fields Primary School is a Foundation School with a Trust (GSPT). Our Governing Body reconstituted in line with statutory guidance, on 1st November 2013.


There are 11 governors appointed:

2 parent governors

1 staff governor

1 LEA governor

5 co-opted governors

2 Foundation governors


In addition:

The headteacher attends all meetings

The deputy headteacher attends full governing body meetings and the education services committee

The school business manager attends full governing body meetings and the resources committee


The different categories of governor are:

  • parent governors who have a child in school at the time of their election, and are elected by the parents with children at the school. If there are insufficient nominations from parents to fill the vacancies, the governing body has to appoint parents
  • staff governors who are members of staff at the school and are elected by their colleagues. This category includes the Headteacher (who serves in an ex-officio capacity), teaching and non-teaching staff. Unlike parent governors, when a member of staff leaves the school he/she must also leave the governing body
  • co-opted governors are appointed on to the governing body by the other members because they come from a specialist group, such as the business community or because they possess a particular skill which can contribute to the effective governance and success of the school
  • local authority governors who are nominated by the local authority and appointed by the governing body
  • associate members are not actually governors but can be appointed to serve on committees and attend meetings of the full governing body. They do not have the right to vote at meetings of the full governing body.
  • all Governors are members of the Full Governing Body and are expected to attend a minimum of three meetings per school year.


The Chair of Governors is Barbara Mason. 


The Governing Body has established two main committees to which it delegates day to day responsibility for the oversight of various aspects of the running of the school. Each of these committees meets at least three times in each school year.


Education Services Committee

The Chair is Anne-Marie Parfitt.

Committee members: Tim Bradley, Barbara Mason, Joanne Williams, Susan Mumby, Kelsey Thackray, Kelly Richards, Andrew Thompson


Areas of responsibility include:

To advise the Governing Body on all matters relating to the National Curriculum and to work closely with staff on these matters.

To develop and agree a teaching and learning policy for the school.

To review annually those curriculum policies/provision which are required by law (Sex Education, RE and Collective Worship).

To review arrangements for reporting to parents on learning.

To review the policy and provision for pupils with special needs, ensuring that these are met by the curriculum offered.

To provide and support curriculum development.

To self evaluate all aspects of the curriculum design.

To monitor and evaluate partnerships with parents / carers.

To review pastoral support systems within the school.

To support and monitor the implementation of strategies to improve attendance and punctuality of pupils.

To self evaluate behaviour management strategies.

To self evaluate all aspects of pupil support work.

To monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of provision for looked after children.

To establish and keep under review a pupil discipline policy.

To prepare and publish a school prospectus.


Resources Committee

The Chair is Nicola Hara.

Committee members: Helen Marshall, Barbara Mason, Susan Mumby, Rob Niven, Kirk Worsnop, Suzan Reece


Areas of responsibility include:

To approve and implement the school pay policy.

To formulate and review staffing and personnel policies, formally adopt these and implement as necessary.

To review staffing levels/structure whenever a vacancy occurs.

To agree recruitment and selection procedures and implement these following best practice.

To ensure that staff and Governors are fully aware of their responsibilities regarding ‘Safe Recruitment’ and have completed the necessary training.

To agree a policy on Continuing Staff Development and ensure that resources are available to support its implementation.

To undertake any action required to comply with the relevant School Teachers Pay and Conditions document.

To provide support and guidance to the Headteacher on all matters relating to the school buildings and grounds, having particular regard to the requirements of Health and Safety.

To annually inspect the premises and grounds and prepare a statement of priorities for maintenance and development for approval by the Governing Body.

To monitor, and report regularly to the Governing Body on property matters.

To approve the costs and contracts for maintenance, repairs, and decoration within budget allocation.

To review and advise the Governing Body on all matters relating to community use, including the charging policy.

To approve a Health and Safety policy.

To monitor on a regular basis all issues relating to Health and Safety and to work closely with the health and safety representative within the school.

To approve the Educational Visits Policy and monitor its implementation including approval of all visits.

Work to promote the image of the school.

Monitor the school website.

To consider annual school development plan priorities and draft and present an annual budget to the Governing Body for approval.

To monitor income and expenditure and provide regular reports to the Governing Body.

To prepare and review financial policy statements, including consideration of long term planning and resourcing.

To liaise with those responsible for the unofficial school funds to ensure an overall policy on expenditure is agreed to the best advantage of the school.

To respond to any audit reports on the management of the budget and financial procedures.

To review pupil numbers and the effect on budgets.

To approve and review the school charging policy.


Other committees meet less regularly.


Pay and Performance Management Committee

This committee is responsible for reviewing the recommendations made by the Headteacher with regards to any pay progression for teachers and for conducting the Headteacher’s annual performance review.


Pay Award Appeals Committee

This committee is responsible for appeals where a member of staff does not agree with the decision reached by the Pay and Performance Management Committee.


There are further committees that will be formed when needed – such as disciplinary committee, admissions committee and complaints committee.


Specific Responsibilities


CLA, SEND, Inclusion and Equalities

Joanne Williams and Barbara Mason

Safeguarding and Attendance

Nicola Hara and Barbara Mason

Relationships and Sex Education

Kelly Richards

Governor Development

Tim Bradley

Trips and Risk Assessment

Rob Niven

Trust Governors

Rob Niven and Barbara Mason

Health and Safety Governor

Rob Niven

Government Grant Funding (Sports Premium and Pupil Premium)

Nicola Hara


Kelsey Thackray

Pay Award Appeals Committee

Rob Niven, Nicola Hara, Kirk Worsnop


Rob Niven and Helen Marshall

English/Reading (Early Reading and Phonics)

Andrew Thompson


Helen Marshall and Kirk Worsnop

Teaching and learning

Suzan Reece


Anne-Marie Parfitt

Wellbeing (Pupils and Staff)

Joanne William and Barbara Mason



Individual Governor Details


Governor Name

Category of Governor

Appointing Body

Date Appointed

Term End Date or Resignation

Declared Business or Other Interests

Governor at Other Establishment

Relationship with Member of Staff

Attendance at Meetings in Last 12 Months

Barbara Mason


Governing Body







Susan Mumby





Staff member



Joanne WilliamsCo-optedGoverning Body12.7.2212.7.26Children in schoolNoNoN/A

Rob Niven


Local Authority Nominated Governing Body Appointed







Helen Marshall


Governing Body







Kelsey Thackray


Governing Body



Child in school




Tim Bradley


with committee voting rights

Governing Body




Staff member




Kelly Richards





Staff member




Kirk Worsnop





Child in school



Suzan ReeceFoundationGoverning Body12.7.2212.7.26None  N/A
Nicola HaraParentParents17.3.2017.3.24Child in schoolNoNo7/7
Andrew ThompsonCo-optedGoverning Body4.

