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Strawberry FieldsPrimary SchoolLearning Together, Building The Future

Welcome toStrawberry FieldsPrimary SchoolLearning Together, Building The Future

World Book Day

We have had lots of World Book Day fun at Strawberry Fields today! Thank you so much to all children, parents, carers and staff who made such a great effort with their costumes. There have been lots of fun activities going on around school, including a Mad Hatter's tea party and a special assembly to award prizes!

Over course of the week, all our children have visited Garforth Library and have been able to take out a book to bring back to school. Lots of our children have also had the chance to meet the residents of Augustus Court. We have been so proud of their confidence, respect and manners when meeting the people there. Many of the residents enjoyed having a chat with our children and hearing them read and we have had some very heart-warming feedback! We are planning regular visits to Augustus Court in the future.

Now, we would encourage all our children to get to a bookshop and spend their World Book Day voucher!
