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Strawberry FieldsPrimary SchoolLearning Together, Building The Future

Welcome toStrawberry FieldsPrimary SchoolLearning Together, Building The Future

Attendance Matters

Attendance at school is very important. There is a clear correlation between poor school attendance and poor attainment and progress. We recognise that there will be occasions when children are too ill to attend school, and when this is the case, they should of course be kept at home to recover. However, as much as possible, we encourage parents and carers to ensure their children are in school every day. For example, a minor cold or headache should not usually be a reason to keep a child away from school.


When children miss regular or extended periods of time, there is a significant risk that they can fall behind their peers in terms of the progress they make in their learning. Furthermore, particularly for younger children, regular absences can make it difficult to make and maintain friendships and to develop the other social skills essential in school and in life. For this reason, we have robust procedures to follow when children do not attend school, and will monitor the attendance of all children to allow us to work with families where attendance is low. 


If there are any issues causing you difficulty in ensuring your child's regular attendance, please contact Mrs. Mumby, Mr. Bradley or Mrs. Kilburn.


We are unable to authorise family holidays and other days away from school not related to illness or medical appointments other than in the most exceptional of circumstances.
