Thank You from the Friends of Strawberry Fields
Friends of Strawberry Fields would like to say a massive THANK YOU to all parents, carers, staff and pupils who supported our School Summer Fair, whether via donations, helping to man a stall or spending money at the fair. We couldn’t have done it without you!!
A special ‘thank you’ to those of you who have recently started helping F of SF, (it is great to see some new faces) as well as existing members of course.
We hope you agree it was a real success; the children certainly looked like they enjoyed themselves.
Together we raised £1140.00, which will go towards outdoor gym equipment.
The raffle has been drawn and winners can collect prizes from the office.
F of SF forthcoming Events:
Staff Panto for pupils this Thursday after school – only a few tickers left (£3 each)
Teddy Bears Picnic 21st July, after school for Reception pupils. This can only go ahead if a couple more volunteers come forward by 11/7/16.
If you are interested in helping out at any F of SF events, please contact Linda Roberts on 07739 471022, Kelly Richards on 07872 520064 or the office.