In the second half of last half term there were more exciting events around school.
To mark the Rugby League World Cup, we were visited by members of the Irish rugby team who spoke to our children in assembly and then spent time on the playground with them. On the Saturday of that week, 40 of our children attended the Australia vs Fiji game at Headingley. Thank you so much to those staff who gave up part of their weekend to accompany the children. They all had a brilliant time. As ever, our children behaved impeccably, to the extent that a woman sitting behind them in the stands took the trouble to email school the following Monday to tell us so!
In other sporting news, we took two Y5/6 girls' football teams to a competition at East Garforth. For all but one of the girls who played, it was the first time they had been involved in competitive football, making the fact that one of our teams reached the semi-finals even more amazing! They had been working hard at lunchtimes for a few weeks, and we will now be looking for other schools for them to play!
Our Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 children all enjoyed visits to Garforth library, choosing books and bringing some back to school.
On the final two days of term, our Year 5/6 classes enjoyed visits to the National Coal Mining Museum to complement their local mining history learning from earlier in the year. For the second time in a few weeks, we then had a member of the public contact school to report on how fantastic our children were, highlighting their care, consideration and good manners when sharing the play area with his two-year-old daughter. We are so proud of them!