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Strawberry FieldsPrimary SchoolLearning Together, Building The Future

Welcome toStrawberry FieldsPrimary SchoolLearning Together, Building The Future

New year September and October 2023

We have had a wonderful first half-term back in school! As well as all the brilliant work that has happened already in the classrooms, there have been a few exciting additional activities too. 

We have taken Y5/6 boys, Y5/6 girls and mixed Y3/4 football teams to tournaments at Garforth Academy, competing against other schools. It was fantastic to be able to have so many children who were keen to represent school, from those who play for teams outside school every weekend to some who had never played football before. One of our girls' teams reached their semi-final.

We also took a small number of Y5/6 children to the Concorde Inter-Faith Peace Service at the Town Hall, where they gave readings about peace. Several members of the public made an effort to tell Mrs Mumby how exceptionally well our children spoke! This made us even more proud, as oracy is one of our main school priorities this year.

Our Foundation Stage children have been making use of our new classroom kitchen area, making delicious treats including cheese straws, pumpkin soup and pitta pizzas. We are looking forward to other phases in school getting the benefit of this new resource over the course of the year.

On Thursday 19th October, Key Stage One presented their harvest festival to parents. This included showcasing poetry they had learned, artwork produced with natural materials, and songs.

As part of their science learning, our Year 5/6 children had a chance to dissect some pigs' hearts. This helped them see first hand the different parts of the heart, and to engage in some real, practical science work.

We look forward to an ever-increasing variety of activities which will be available for or children as the year progresses!

For further news and photographs, see our newsletters section.
