Thank you to all the parents, carers and grandparents who attended the three Inspire events for Year 3/4 recently. Once again, the events were very popular and the feedback comments extremely positive. A selection of parental quotes is included below. Next year's events are likely to have a 'Maths' theme. Photos will be added soon!
My child has been really looking forward to this!
This is definitely a valuable experience.
I think it was good for my child to see me struggle with some of it as well.
I made me aware I needed to talk about challenge. Failing just means trying another way.
The variety of activities, the time allocated, the space, all well thought through.
Thank you for putting the event on!
I can see the techniques used for teaching them to problem solve and I can refer to this when problem solving at home.
Challenge is good to push boundaries to extend learning.
More of these events please!
Great to see how Strawberry Fields is involving parents!
There was a good range of activities.
It was lovely to spend time with my son in the school setting. He was also excited about the event and having me there.
It was good to see how children think about their ideas – they wanted to change everything!
My child says he is ‘no good at art’ so it was good that I could praise him when he improved his picture.
I have noticed it can be easy for the kids to feel defeated, but if it feels like ‘fun’ and a challenge they are more motivated.
It was nice to see the children showing their skills.
It was good to see how they deal with possible failure on a task first time. It challenged their thinking.
It was enjoyable seeing my child having fun and learning with the help of their friends.
Thank you for a great morning!
It was lovely to spend time with my child in school.
It was lovely to see how my child plays and interacts with other class friends.
It was good to see what the children are learning in school.
There was good attendance from the adults.
It is always lovely to work with my child in a school environment and to experience a bit of their world.
It was good to see that children work with others to problem solve.
I enjoyed it very much!
It was lovely to see everyone having fun together.
I enjoyed the morning very much and will look forward to future ones.
Great event. Keep doing them.
I like the idea of building resilience – important at all life stages.
A good variety of activities and challenges that both adults and children could enjoy together.
The length of the session was just right. It held the attention of the children.
It showed challenge and persistence are important.
It was good that there were different types of challenge – mental, physical etc…
Thank you for having me!
It was good to see how they tried different ways to solve problems.
It was lovely to have one-to-one with my child in school.
It is nice to do things like this. They learn more actually doing things!
It was nice to come into school and work with my daughter and her class friends.
There was a good range of activities and I learned more about the importance of challenge in the curriculum.
It was good to see my son problem solving and enjoying himself at school.
It would be great to have a Maths only Inspire to show parents how things are taught.
It was nice to work with my child in his learning environment and spend one-to-one time with him.
The poem was the activity he least wanted to do, but I think he actually enjoyed it and felt a sense of achievement from doing it together.
My son enjoyed it. He was having fun with other children, it is good to know he is happy at school.
Great time spent!
Very calm and relaxing.
It was nice to do different things with my child.
It was nice to spend time seeing the activities the children do.
My child was looking forward to it.
It was a lovely morning.